ISO14000 Environmental Management

May 11th, 2012 | By | Category: Management

ISO14000 –Sustainable Environmental Management System

Sustainable Environmental Management – Is it a burden, a responsibility or good business sense?

We expect the environment that we live in, including the air that we breathe and the water that we drink, to be clean. Yet protecting that Environment is usually “someone else’s problem” till it starts to affect our very own daily lives. That’s when we think about complaining, taking action, or to start to look for a cure.  The consequences of prolonged Environmental pollution, such as global warming, loss of Bio-diversity, Air pollution and Water pollution among others, have started to significantly affect the quality of life now and is expected to affect even more in future. But, by the time we really start to take action, it could be too late to reverse much of the permanent damage caused.

“When all the tree have been cut down, when all the animals hunted, all the waters are polluted, all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.” – Cree prophecy”

Not only do pollution in our immediate environment affect us and our future generations, it also affects the wider habitat, fauna and flora and part of our valuable heritage. Scientists have recently discovered 35 new frog species in Sri Lanka, while at the same time found that 15 of the previously known endemic species have become extinct.

World organizations have defined Sri Lanka to be an “Environmental hot-spot”. Yet, can we as individuals take effective action to reduce the impact of environmental pollution. Our own action taken as individuals to prevent pollution may not seem effective against large scale environmental pollution created by corporate entities. However, if there is a collective voice to force organizations to be socially responsible by minimizing or eliminating pollution, or to take mitigating action to reduce the consequences of corporate environmental pollution, that really could make a difference. Yet, despite the absence of a strong consumer voice against environmental pollution, organizations have realized that customer perception on  “corporate responsibility on Environment” has become a factor for gaining a major competitive edge.

As a result, market oriented organizations that maintain a good public image now demand “environmentally responsible manufacturing” from their suppliers. One way of suppliers meeting such demands is by conformance and certification to the International standard ISO14001.

An Environmental Management system such as ISO14001 is a set of cohesive elements that an organization may adapt to, in order to minimize the adverse effects caused to the environment by some of the activities in that industry.  As a management system ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard for an EMS which specifies requirements for establishing an environmental policy, determining environmental aspects & impacts of products, activities, services and planning environmental objectives and measurable targets, implementation & operation of programs to meet objectives & targets, checking & corrective action, and management review.

Environmental pollution can be a result of a wide range of industrial or commercial activity that organizations find difficult to define. Does the environment cover the immediate geographic vicinity? What is environmental pollution and what are the demarcations of responsibilities? Can the results be measurable and can targeted action be taken to be effective?  Can action be taken to minimize environmental pollution and be recognized by interested parties such as customers and investors as a means of providing added value?

Conformance to ISO14001 which focuses on prevention and reduction of environmental pollution, ensures that corporate commitment and team efforts are:




Measurable,  and are internationally recognized.

ISO14000 standard covers, not only the immediate vicinity of manufacturing or service activity, but also extends it to the complete value chain. For example, a fish farm would ensure that management of wastewater disposal, production of fish food, to reduction, recycling and disposal of packaging material and fish-waste at the consumers end is also considered.

An organization’s conformance to EMS ISO14000 is a statement to interested parties internationally of its continued commitment to environmental protection and improve corporate image through better community relations.

Other benefits of conformance to such a system is that it improves the perception of the key environmental issues by their employees and gives a better (greener) public image of the organization. It can increase the efficiency and use of energy and raw materials and improve the ability to meet compliance with environmental regulations

Environmental Management System ISO14000 does not give a set list of rules to follow, but a systematic process approach that enables any organization to develop a set of actions that are practical and measurable. Even a small organization with just a few employees can conform to EMS and be certified.

Implementation starts with an environmental impact assessment undertaken by the management followed by a set plan of action to continually monitor and improve operations in order to prevent environmental pollution. Management commitment towards finding solutions for waste reduction, re-use and recycle, will also add to cost savings through energy efficiency, reduce input costs and higher productivity while contributing towards environmental protection.

Why certify? Why go for certification through an internationally recognized organization with accreditation from relevant authorized bodies? Certification gives an independent assessment by qualified personnel, verifying conformance to an international standard. Certification involves a process of periodic audits and verification. As a result, certified organizations conforming to standards can proudly advertise to the world and all interested parties of its “Green credentials”

Certification by an independent body attaches credibility to your quality claim. It reduces the element of risk faced by the customer. It confirms the adherence to accepted international standards.



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